Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coach Leclair Hosts A Jaguar Player In PE Class

Coach Leclair teaches Physical Education 3 times per week at Hyde Park Elementary. This morning she and a second grader played in PE class with Jaguar's running back Maurice Jones-Drew ! The student Justin Cone was picked up at home in a limousine by the Jaguar player and went to school to play in Coach Leclair's PE class. While at school Jones-Drew led the PE classes in activities, part of the "Play 60" to help students get 60 minutes of exercise each day. This special occasion was held as part of the NFL Take a Player to School program, which is sponsored by the JCPenny Afterschool Fund. Make sure to ask Coach Leclair all about it when she joins us in PE on Friday! EAB

Monday, October 27, 2008

Play Safe At Halloween

Red Cross Halloween Safety Tips for Kids and Adults With witches, goblins, and super-heroes descending on neighborhoods across America, the American Red Cross offers parents some safety tips to help prepare their children for a safe and enjoyable trick-or-treat holiday. Halloween should be filled with surprise and enjoyment, and following some common sense practices can keep events safer and more fun.
Walk, slither, and sneak on sidewalks, not in the street.
Look both ways before crossing the street to check for cars, trucks, and low-flying brooms.
Cross the street only at corners.
Don't hide or cross the street between parked cars.
Wear light-colored or reflective-type clothing so you are more visible. (And remember to put reflective tape on bikes, skateboards, and brooms, too!)
Plan your route and share it with your family. If possible, have an adult go with you.
Carry a flashlight to light your way.
Keep away from open fires and candles. (Costumes can be extremely flamable.)
Visit homes that have the porch light on.
Accept your treats at the door and never go into a stranger's house.
Use face paint rather than masks or things that will cover your eyes.
Be cautious of animals and strangers.
Have a grown-up inspect your treats before eating. And don't eat candy if the package is already opened. Small, hard pieces of candy are a choking hazard for young children.

More information about Health and Safety Services.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ultimate frisbee was a major success. All the students were active, having fun, and learning how to throw a frisbee the correct way. Sport Stacking is working wonders on increasing the students hand eye coordination. We use sport stacking as a way to increase faster reading due to the left to right motion of stacking the cups.

A new addition to Chets Creek is Speedminton. This activity improves on the students' hand eye coordination that was developed in sport stacking. It is an activity that not only aligns with the Sunshine State Standards, but can be used to relate to classroom topics such as science (Newton's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd laws) and math (measuring distances). We will continue to relate speedminton as well as other units to classroom subjects to help teach the whole student.

As many of you may know, the obesity epidemic is growing. Every Wednesday at Chets Creek, we participate in the President's Challenge to combat the obesity epidemic. We have stressed that having a healthy body promotes a longer lifespan, ability to do more physical activities at a higher age, a sound mind, and a sound emotional state. Posted below are the scores for the Presidential and National Awards. The top chart is the National and the bottom chart is the Presidential. Until next time stay active.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Well the year is off to a great start already. All of us are excited to start some new actities in P.E. this year. Chet's Creek has a new member to our P.E. crew this year. Mr. Jones (www.freewebs.com/qualitydrivenpe) a UNF student intern, will be teaching this Fall in P.E.

We have been working on many exciting activities for all grades. Some of the activities are:Bowling,Dance Dance Revolution, Golf, Hacky Sack, Juggling, Presidents Challenge, Soccer, Speedminton, Sport Stacking, Track events and relays, Ultimate Frisbee.

We stayed active this summer by jogging, swimming, and cycling ( not as much as Mr. Ruark) . We would like to cover Antarctica's P.E. Hall bulletin board with pictures of how YOU stayed active during the summer. Bring in a picture with your first and last name on it. We will attempt to return the picture to you when we are finished with the board. However, we can not promise that you will get it back.