Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fuel Up To Play 60 and the Jagaurs All Access Show on PhotoPeach

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Character Education word of the month: RESPONSIBILITY
To be responsible means that people can rely on you. We can demonstrate responsibilty by being on time, being someone that others can depend on, doing the right thing regardless of what others are doing and telling the truth.

During PE class we took 10 minutes to discuss the character education word of the month. The students watched a video that demonstrated character, responsilbilty and respect. After the video the students discussed how they can demonstrate respect and responsibilty during their daily living

Thursday, April 7, 2011


To the 5th graders we leave you with the kowledge of how to open a DCPS lock in record time :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

SPEEDMINTON is an alternative to tennis, badminton, racket ball, and squash. The game can be played at the beach, park, backyard, and PE with your friends.

Students using Jumpbands to work on their cardiovascular.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fuel Up To Play 60

Fuel Up To Play 60 and the Dairy Council of Florida brought to our school Maurice Jones- Drew from the NFL Jaguars. Jones-Drew met with all the FUTP60 5th graders in the media center before having an assembly with 3rd-5th grade students. During the assembly he spoke to the students of the importance of staying active for at least 60 minutes per day and eating healthy.

Fuel Up To Play 60