Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Track and Field for K- 5th grade

I have asked the students to go home and tell their parents what they are learning to do in PE. They have been learning how to participate in the following events: javelin, discus, shot put, hurdles, running long jump, and the baton relay race. The students are meeting the Next Generation Standards in Physical Education by demonstrating how to run and hurdle a succession of low to medium levels of obstacles (PE.M.1.12) The students are also demonstrating how to throw a object for distance using the correct technique and accuracy (PE.M.1.8) These events will be the theme for Field Day. Field Day is scheduled for June 7th-9th.


Dee Dee Tamburrino said...

I had no idea you had videos of track and field events on your blog! I need to add you to my reader list so I can stay in touch with our Physical Education department.

Looking forward to Field Days!! I'll bring some water!!

Anonymous said...

SAC and BBS from Mrs.Thomson and Mrs. McLeod 2nd grade think that doing what we are doing now is GOOD for FEILDDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)