Monday, February 6, 2012

100 days of school!!!

On Friday, Feburary 3rd, students celebrated the 100th day of school. While in Physical Education class, students celebrated by dribbling a ball 100 times, running around a hool-a-hoop 100 times, jumping rope 100 times, striking a ball with a paddle 100 times, and tossing and catching a bean bag 100 times. What a great way to celebrate this exciting day and exercise!


Mrs. Snead said...

What a great way to jump in and celebrate the 100th day. You are too good!

Dee Dee Tamburrino said...

Way to go, PE department!! I love your new blog layout!! It screams "fun!"

What a great idea for celebrating the 100th Day of School!

(I don't ever remember celebrating this kind of stuff when I was an elementary kid. Of course, the dinosaurs still roamed the earth when I was in elementary school.)

Well-done, Estrella. You never cease to amaze me.